# Signs Your Truck Needs New Brakes

Ohio County Truck and Trailer Repair: 4 Signs Your Truck Needs New Brakes

Your truck’s brakes play a critical role in the functioning of your vehicle. Knowing how to identify when your brakes need to be examined or replaced is important. At Ohio County Truck and Trailer Repair, we can tell you when your truck needs repair service in Beaver Dam, KY. Below are four signs that your brakes need repair.

1. Brakes Feel Spongy

Spongy brakes are a possible sign of air or fluid leaks that could lead to brake malfunction. Your brakes need an air-tight seal to maintain proper functioning. Your mechanic can help with this, so bring in your truck immediately.

2. Braking Takes Longer Than It Used To

Brakes that take too long to do their job can result in accidents and injuries. Worn brake pads are a possible cause. This is a relatively easy fix, as long as you get service soon.

3. Brakes Make Loud Noises

Loud noises like squeaking and squealing are a sign of wear and tear. Grinding noises could indicate a problem with your rotors, which is a more serious problem.

4. Brakes Vibrate

Vibrations when braking are an indication of uneven wear on your rotors. Bring your truck in for a check and potential service.

Need New Brakes? Contact Us

At Ohio County Truck and Trailer Repair, we offer brake service in Beaver Dam, KY. Your brakes are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. If your brakes are in poor condition, accidents and injuries could be the result. Call today to make an appointment.

Tips For Avoiding Driving Fatigue

The transportation industry relies on truckers getting to their destination as soon as possible, so it’s important to haveroadside assistance in Beaver Dam, KY, on speed dial. But each year, truck accidents and injuries can be traced back to driver fatigue. While the pressure is on to drive longer hours, it’s important for you, other drivers on the road, and, of course, the equipment and shipment to stay safe. One of the most important things you can do is to avoid driver fatigue.

Learn to Recognize the Signs
By now, you’re almost certainly aware of the signs of you falling asleep. As soon as you notice things like your eyelids feeling heavy, your mind drifting off, or your actual truck drifting out of your lane, head to the nearest safest way station.

Don’t Make Random Goals
When you’re feeling weary, don’t make up random driving goals, like:

driving just 10 more miles
driving until a certain time, like 15 more minutes
driving to a place with food
The point is to get off the road as soon as possible, even if you’re only an hour away from your destination. Because if you don’t you may never reach your destination.

Drive in Daylight as Much as Possible
Your body’s circadian rhythm is designed to support the release of melatonin when it gets dark outside to help you fall asleep. As much as possible, rise early in the morning and get on the road, and then stop driving as soon as possible when it gets dark outside. This strategy alone will do wonders to help you to avoid feeling driver fatigue.

Get Quality Sleep
When you do sleep, strive to ensure it’s restful. Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on your days off. Use earplugs and a sleep mask if necessary to block out noise and light.

When you’re on the road and need services orroadside assistance in Beaver Dam, KY, rely on Ohio County Truck & Trailer Repair. Contact us today to learn more.

Loads and Tires: How to Determine When to Replace Your Wheels

The haul of a semi-truck driver has everything to do with how long their tires last. Considering just how different your loads might be from day to day, it’s no wonder the average lifespan of your tires is a vague estimate of between 3 and 6 years. If you’re looking for ways to narrow it down, we’ll look at what causes your tires to wear out so you can better plan your budget.

What Affects Your Tire Performance?
Here’s what you should know about yourtire performance in Ohio County:

Overloads are dangerous: It’s not just the pressure that you’re putting on the vehicle; it’s the internal damage that can happen to your tires. The more you push your truck’s limits, the more likely you are to have a blowout on the road.
Weight distribution is crucial: Heavy loads result in more heat and friction to the tread. If the weight isn’t properly spaced out, you’ll end up seeing more tread wear in different parts of the tires.
Inflation pressure needs to be constantly checked: If your tires aren’t properly inflated, it can cause their lifespan to drop considerably.
Tire Lifespan in Beaver Dam, KY
Knowing when to replace your tires is sometimes easy. The choice is clear if you’re clearly losing traction due to a lack of tread or your tires blow out on the road. However, if you’d prefer to avoid such calamities, it may mean checking in with a professional before the tires reach this critical point. Ohio County Truck and Trailer Repair offersmechanical services and repairs to truck drivers in Beaver Dam who want to maximize their bottom line. We can also help you learn more about how to get more from your tires on every haul.

Why Do Tires Slowly Deflate?

Whether you’re driving a big rig through Kentucky or a hybrid in Hartford, you need your tires to operate efficiently. Tires that are under-inflated not only impact fuel efficiency; they reduce steering power and maneuverability. As a vehicle owner, you probably monitor the tire pressure on your vehicle dashboard and make sure you have a good set of tires all the time. So why is it that the tire pressure light comes on? What “mysterious” force causes tires to deflate slowly?

Temperature Change

The most common reason for a slowly deflating tire is temperature change. Big rig drivers experience this frequently as they drive cross country and in varying weather conditions. With temperature changes, the air inside the tires reacts. With every 10-degree drop in temperature, about 2% of a tire’s air may escape.

Damaged Valve Stem

When valves are over-tightened, they can get damaged. They might also get damaged by cracks due to age. It’s quite common for the valve to be the source of a slow tire leak.


You could have a puncture in one of your tires in Hartford, KY, and not even know it. If you roll over a nail or another shaped object and it stays in the tire, the tiny gap around the puncture will often slowly leak air.

Bead Damage

Simply driving against a curve with older tires might cause enough bead damage to result in a slow leak. If you see the telltale white curb paint on your sidewalls, it’s possible this might be what’s causing your tires to deflate slowly.

A careful visual inspection of your tires in Hartford, KY, will often reveal the source of a slow leak. In many cases, slow leaks can be repaired without having to replace the tire. Contact us today for more great tire advice.