Entries by Ohio County Truck & Trailer Repair

5 Signs You Need New Tires

Your truck’s tires are important! Good tires will help keep you safe in challenging weather, and keep your truck moving when you really need it to. Unfortunately, tires don’t last forever. There are many signs that your truck’s tires need replacement – you just have to know how to identify those signs. If you’re not […]

Why Are Oil Changes so Important?

There is no service that your truck will require as regularly as an oil change. Most vehicles require one every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, but see your truck owner’s handbook to determine when yours is due. So, why are oil changes in Hartford, KY so important for truck maintenance? The following are some of the vital roles […]

Signs You Need Brake Repair

When you’re on the road hauling goods across country, the last thing you need is brake failure. Thankfully, brakes are one of those truck parts that usually give you plenty of warning before you lose braking ability altogether. Here are the signs you should look out for when you need brake repair in Hartford, KY. Warning […]