Tips on Servicing Your Tractor: How to Expand Its Lifespan

The rules for servicing a tractor in Beaver Dam, KY aren’t all that different from servicing practically any other vehicle. The much bigger issue is how whether you can fit in all of the maintenance tips when your days are jam-packed. We’ll look at the tips for getting it done and how they can help you get more out of your investment.

Don’t Ignore the Signs

If it’s difficult to schedule ongoing servicing, then you should at least be doing quick visual inspections. It may only take you a few seconds to confirm that there are no fuel leaks or damaged fixtures. Now is also a good time to check the fluids, including oil and coolant. As an extra bonus, you’ll get a sense of how the tractor is expending these fuels from trip to trip. If it’s being used at an alarming rate, that could be a sign that there’s a much bigger problem with the interior systems. (Keep in mind that you may need to adjust your inspections based on the seasonal threats.)

Monitor the Tires and Intakes

It doesn’t take very much before the intakes get clogged, particularly if you’re taking the tractor out when it’s muddy or dusty. Using compressed air on the intakes and keeping the fan blades clean can help ensure that the air is moving. Finally, make sure that your tire pressure is adequate. Even if the tires are only a tad under-inflated, the extra strain that puts on the tractor can decrease its lifespan.

If you’re looking for farm equipment repair in Beaver Dam, KY, Ohio County Truck and Trailer Repair offers everything from general services to 24/7 assistance. If your tractor is connected to your livelihood, it’s our pleasure to keep your equipment going strong.