A Look at the Advantages of 24/7 Roadside Assistance for Truckers

At Ohio County Truck & Trailer Repair LLC, our mechanics are always ready to bring 24/7 roadside assistance in Hartford, KY to you. But just why is having access to roadside assistance such a valuable thing for truck drivers? Check out the true value of getting help around the clock, when you need it, when you drive an over-the-road truck.

Skip Expensive Tow Bills

There are few things as expensive as towing an 18-wheeler. You’re going to be facing hook-up fees, hourly costs, fuel surcharges, costs-per-mile, and more that could easily add up to thousands of dollars. It is far more cost-efficient in most cases to have a repair technician come to you instead of dealing with towing costs.

Get Back on the Road as Fast as Possible

Simply put, roadside assistance is the fastest way to get back on the road. Your downtime means lost money. Oftentimes, simple repairs can be made on the roadside instead of having to wait to be towed to a mechanic, get a proper diagnosis, and then for the repairs.

Get a Quick Diagnosis to Plan Your Next Moves Efficiently

When you know exactly what’s going on with your rig, you can better plan what your next moves should be. Our roadside assistance technicians will either make the necessary repairs or let you know what’s happening. From here, you get to decide whether to call in reinforcements to pick up the load or make other arrangements.

Need Roadside Assistance in Hartford, KY?

Having a good diesel service in Kentucky to count on can mean a lot. Having access to 24/7 roadside help can mean everything. If you find yourself in a bind as a trucker, be sure to reach out to us to get the help you need.